Some students like to take distance-learning courses by computer. Other students prefer to study in traditional classroom with a teacher. Consider the advantages of both options, and make an argument for the way that students should organize their schedules.
Both distance-learning courses and traditional classes provide important but different experiences for college students. On the one hand, there are many advantages to distance-learning courses. One of the most important benefits is the opportunity to attend class at your convenience. This is very important for students hold full-time jobs since they can choose to take their classes on a schedule that allows them to continue working. Another advantage is the chance to complete assignments at your own pace. For students who can work more quickly than their classmates, it is possible to earn more credits during the semester. A huge advantage to international students is the option of listening to lectures more than once.
On the other hand, there are advantages to attending a traditional class. The structured environment is beneficial, especially for students who are not as highly motivated. In addition, it is more likely that you will develop a personal relationship with the teacher, an advantage not only for the course but also after the course when you need a recommendation. By seeing you and talking with you face-to-face, the teacher will remember you better. It is also easier to get an immediate response to questions because you only have to raise your hand instead of sending e-mail and waiting for an answer. Last, the opportunity for study groups and friendships is different and more personal when you sit in the same room.
Given all the advantages of both types of courses, I think that students would be wise to register for distance-learning courses and traditional classroom courses during their college experiences. By participating in distance-learning courses, they can work independently in classes that they may be more difficult for them, repeating the lectures on computer at convenient times. By attending traditional classes, they can get to know the teachers personally and will have good references when they need them. They will also make friends in the class. By sharing information with other students, they can organize their schedules for the following semester, choosing the best classes and including both distance-learning and traditional courses.
(coped from Barron’s, pp. 85)
- Dec 07 Wed 2011 16:26
- Oct 24 Mon 2011 21:52
- Oct 05 Wed 2011 22:28
2011年7月7日,研究宋史、宋代筆記的英國漢學家Hilde De Weerde到德國海德堡大學試教,路過漢學系時看到海報,就決定去旁聽。
海德堡大學的聘任方式跟台灣的大學有點像,教授要先跟學生開一場座談,就像是平常小班上課一樣,跟學生聊聊學術,不過當時我的英文實在很糟糕,所以當場被 Dr. Hilde De Weerde 要求自我介紹的時候,她沒聽我講完就放棄了。我現在還很納悶我是怎麼提起勇氣坐在裡面的。
跟學生座談完了之後,接著是一場專題演講,對象是東亞相關學系的師生,報告專業領域的知識,台下漢學系、日文系等等相關系所的老師都會到場聽講、打分數,學生聽完可以現場提問和演講人討論。這次的主題是Networks and Continuity in Chinese History,Hilde De Weerde教授利用宋代的筆記史料(如揮麈錄)、中國歷史地理資訊網(XML)以及中國歷代人物傳記資料庫(CBDB)來推演、歸納出作者與其他文人的交際網絡與活動空間,這是個很有意思的議題,而且兩岸似乎也很少有學者作類似的文學地理空間研究。雖然我還是大部分聽不懂,但是坐在裡面就覺得與有榮焉,我隔壁的馬堡大學漢學系退休系主任很熱心要解釋給我聽,但是德國人的英語我聽起來障礙更大。
專題演講完之後,很想問Hilde De Weerde教授關於資料庫應用的問題,正要往台前走去的時候,日文系主任擋住我,請我出場,我一時沒有反應過來,反問她為什麼,她很嚴正地說:「我們現在要馬上開院會議,學生請出場好嗎?」歐!這才知道我耍笨了!聽完演講就忘記這個是試教了!真是丟臉丟到德國去。
沒有問到問題,當時有點惋惜,但是三個月後的今天,整理文件資料的時候看到那天帶回來的一張講義,按圖索驥找到了資料庫網頁來研究一下,雖然我還是不知道Hilde De Weerde教授是如何應用這些資料庫然後畫出PPT上那些漂亮圖片的,但是最原始單純的查查資料庫我還會啦,能夠知道以前所不知道的資源,也算是有所收穫。
不知道Hilde De Weerde教授最後成功進駐海德堡大學了沒?
- Sep 07 Wed 2011 20:37
2011年7月4日,中研院研究員參訪團為期十多天的德國行,在這一天來到海德堡大學Karl Jaspers Centre(KJC研究中心)。會議的主題是"Philosophy and the History of Knowledge in Transcultural Perspective"(跨文化視角中的知識哲學與知識史),我恰好在海德堡遊蕩,有幸恭逢其勝。
會議中可以發現,德方教授砲聲隆隆,台方教授溫文儒雅,德方重視抽象的推理的思維建構,台方重視資料整理與基礎研究,各佔勝場,但是溝通不良。何乏筆(Heubel, Fabian)教授還很嚴正的告訴德國教授們,沒有弄清楚中國古典詞彙的基本定義就不應該貿然拿來與別的文化對比,還請他們有空應該到台灣來看看台灣人的研究成果。我個人覺得這是對台灣學術表達出一種敬意,一天下來有不少體會。
- Jun 22 Wed 2011 16:43
- May 05 Thu 2011 19:54
(play) 張懸 寶貝(in a day)