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It is today that I got my seat in research room.
It's been a long time from 9/17 to 11/1.
In these days, every time wnen I went to school, I needed to carry whole books from here to there.
It's so heavy. I was so tired and hated that!
The seat have been cleaned in the afternoon. I sat at my desk and had a nice reading.

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There is a thing I have to note, that I already quitted my Chinese composition class for elementary school students. The whole year I played, shouted, read, and wrote with them of 9-12 years old, I felt myself became a kid, too. On one hand, I can keep young easily, and got some money for living. On the other hand, I waste too much time taking care others to handle my own daily life and study. For my further study, it is necessary to give up some rest things.

So I quit, with a little bit sorry and a little bit happy.

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1. j, q, x只配細音 i, ü且配ü時,不必umlaut

2. zh, ch, sh, r, z, c, s不配細音,若後加izhi, chi, shi, ri, zi, ci, si等形式,則i表示空韻。


1. e為主要元音時,出現在ㄜㄟㄣㄥㄦ中;e當韻尾時一定是一ㄝ或ㄩㄝ。

2. er=ㄦ

3. i介音韻尾單獨存在,則前加y並還原主要元音。例:「in->yin」、「iu->you」。

4. u介音韻尾單獨存在,則前加w以取代u並還原主要元音。例:「ui->wei」、「un->wen」、「ong->weng」。

5. y介音韻尾單獨存在,則以yu取代ü。例外:「iong->youn

6. 韻母減省

iou->iu     ien->in 

ieng->ing   uei->ui

uen->un     üen-> ün->un(只配j,q,x)

7. 韻母變音

weng(ㄨㄥ)加其他聲母,變成 ong

youg(ㄩㄥ)加其他聲母,變成 iong





1. 以「」表示送氣,例p=ㄅ,p=ㄆ。

2. ch, ch, hs」(ㄐㄑㄒ)和「ch, ch, sh」(ㄓㄔㄕ)互補。

3. ch, ch, hs」(ㄐㄑㄒ)只配細音i, ü

4. ㄓㄔㄕㄖㄗㄘㄙ不配細音,除非是表示空韻。










1. (e)k,k,h後面標作「o」。

2. ㄝ若前有介音,則標eh。「ieh(yeh)」、「üeh(yüeh)

3. =erh

4. 「ㄧ」介音韻尾單獨存在,則改iy

5. 「ㄨ」介音韻尾單獨存在,前加w,或改uw,主要元音還原。

un->wen(ㄨㄣ)   ung->weng(ㄨㄥ)

6. 「ㄩ」介音韻尾單獨存在,則前加y。例外:iung(ㄩㄥ)->yung


(三)使用規則: 以詞為單位,一詞中各字需以「-」相連,例kung-tzu(孔子)



Basic Rules for Hanyu Pinyin Orthography


1  主题内容与适用范围



2  术语



3  制定原则

3.1  以词为拼写单位,并适当考虑语音、语义等因素,同时考虑词形长短适度。

2 基本采取按语法词类分节叙述。

3.3  规则条目尽可能详简适中,便于掌握应用。

4  汉语拼音正词法基本规则

4.1  总原则

4.1.1   拼写普通话基本上以词为书写单位。

    rén(人)    pǎo(跑)    hǎo(好)    hé(和)    hěn(很)

    fúróng(芙蓉)          qiǎokèl

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My Sinologic English class is become more and more difficult. Sometimes I feel it's already far from my ability, because I need to take much time for preparing and previewing. However, Lecturer Tsai announce us that he decided to add our loading and test one another time to make sure our hardworks. The bad information was put down to some stuednt's absence and cheats in class.

So, who is to blame? The mad teacher or the cheatting student? Anyway, I must be the victim.

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