摘 要
Background Research on Ma Zi-yuan and “Deng-in”
Tseng, Jo-han
Ma Zi-yuan was born in Yun-nan, China, former years in Chin dynasty. He had a traditional linguistic book called “Deng-in”(《等音》). The book focuses on phonology and gathers southern and northern Chinese tones. Moreover, it concludes many related phonology books before it, and provides inspiration to later authors. However, Ma Zi-yuan did not live long, because his family was punished by the emperor for their betraying. His life was not in history books such as “Chin-shi”(《清史》) and “Yun-nan-tong-zhi”(《雲南通志》). People have ignored him for a long time. In this essay, Ma Zi-yuan’s background will be written, his book will be evaluated, and some other questions about his death date will be discussed. Finally, the opinions of people who adhere and appose to him will be but together and be compared. In short, the aim to this article is to provide information for knowing Ma Zi-yuan and his book “Deng-in.”
Keywords:Ma Zi-yuan(馬自援)、“Deng-in”(《等音》)、a phonologic book of Chin dynasty、“Deng-in-sheng-wei-he-hui”(《等音聲位合彙》)