At Hanshi Day in Yuanfeng fifth year in 1082, Su Shi wrote two poems named “Rain at Hanshi Day” with whole sorrow, when it was also the third year he got banished from the imperial court to Huangzhou. These two pieces reflected how he lived at that hardship: cold sprain with biter rain, illness with solitude, and poverty with hunger.
In the first poem, poet materialized his spiritual and emotion of the sense of life by the writing of Chinese flowering crab-apple, and strengthened the attraction through the improvement of techniques.
The second one expressed strongly the contradiction between reality and ideal, in which the poem illustrated what he had been in the dilemma through the imagery in the raining day.
When it comes to the artistic characteristic, these two poems use specific tonal end-rhyme of “ru sheng” and “shang sheng” to carry poet’s depressed mental state. All lines catch the theme of the convention in Hanshi Day with tight structure and half-fiction. The terms of “kongpao”(空庖), “hancai”(寒菜), “pozao”(破竈), and “shiwei”(濕葦) are stood for the empty of material life, whereas those of “woxian zhi”(烏銜紙), “fenmu”(墳墓), and “sihui”(死灰) are the dead imagery which broaden the feeling of desolate.
The to poems of “Hanshi Rain” not only show the culture of a season in Sung Dynasty, but also reflect Su Shi’s mental statement in Huangzhou by the special cultural imagery in Hanshi Day which has highly connection to poet’s life and experiences.
Keywords: Huangzhou(黃州), Rain at Hanshi Day(寒食雨), Su Shi(蘇軾), The culture of a season(節令風俗)