目前分類:→英語 (75)

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發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2012-01-16 對抗ET$(1)_iBT聽力題型(不全,因為懶了) (61) (0)
2011-12-07 iBT INDEPENDENT WRITING: Argument (102) (1)
2011-04-21 (轉載) 楊照:認認一個英文單字 (119) (0)
2011-03-09 (English) Sam Chwat, Dialect Coach To The Stars (45) (0)
2008-12-19 英檢無用論 (201) (1)
2008-12-17 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 67- (87) (0)
2008-12-17 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 64-66 (58) (0)
2008-12-17 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 61-63 (87) (0)
2008-05-25 論文摘要翻譯服務:語音學類 (107) (0)
2008-05-04 中文摘要翻譯服務:寒食雨 (469) (0)
2008-03-16 對抗ET$(1)_iBT聽力題型 (71) (0)
2008-01-23 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 58-60 (77) (0)
2008-01-23 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 55-57 (121) (0)
2008-01-23 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 52-54 (76) (0)
2008-01-23 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 49-51 (68) (0)
2008-01-23 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 46-48 (51) (0)
2008-01-23 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 43-45 (63) (0)
2008-01-11 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 40-42 (114) (0)
2008-01-11 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 37-39 (72) (0)
2008-01-11 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 34-36 (33) (0)
2008-01-11 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 31-33 (53) (0)
2008-01-10 (語法) 中英德比較語法 #1 不定冠詞 (291) (0)
2008-01-10 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 28-30 (106) (2)
2008-01-10 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 25-27 (37) (0)
2008-01-10 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 25-27 (55) (0)
2008-01-10 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 22-24 (49) (0)
2008-01-10 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 19-21 (60) (0)
2008-01-10 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 16-18 (43) (0)
2008-01-10 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 13-15 (83) (0)
2008-01-10 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 10-12 (58) (0)
2008-01-10 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 07-09 (63) (1)
2008-01-10 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 04-06 (74) (0)
2008-01-10 (英翻中)Chen Shou-yi, “Chinese Literature: A Historical Introduction” 01-03 (208) (1)
2007-10-27 凡事豫則立不豫則廢 (143) (0)
2007-10-27 英文筆記 (54) (0)
2007-10-16 漢學英文:第二次默寫 (124) (0)
2007-10-16 你是大丈夫嗎? (95) (2)
2007-10-03 漢學英文:第一次默寫 (67) (0)
2007-08-30 今天聽到的兩個英文諺語 (68) (0)
2007-08-30 Hannahegg讀紐時週報:A Large Gulp of Guilt In That Bottle of Water (1) (32) (0)
2007-08-23 Hannah讀紐時週報--In Britian, Not Much is Left Outside of the Camera's Eye (下) (42) (0)
2007-08-21 Hannah讀紐時週報--In Britian, Not Much is Left Outside of the Camera's Eye (上) (71) (2)
2007-08-11 英文聽譯練習070810 (53) (2)
2007-07-17 密碼文章 (公告) 高師大 (English DNA) 雙語教學郵報 (2) (0)
2007-06-11 <img border='0' src='http://pic.wretch.cc/photos/icon/blog/key.gif'>我的第一次托福成績 (19) (0)
2007-05-21 Writing Practice: 某次在4in1模考時寫的 (18) (0)
2007-05-08 Toefl #35 (22) (1)
2007-05-07 Wrining practice, May 7th, 2007. (14) (0)
2007-05-03 Writing practice, May 3, 2007. (13) (0)
2007-05-01 Practice in class 20070429 (17) (0)
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