
William Shi-Yuan Wang 王士元

Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong (852) 2609-8456 (Office), (852) 2603-5558 (Fax),


1960:  Ph.D. in Linguistics at University of Michigan


Professional Experience:


2004-present: Wei Lun Research Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong

        Based in Dept of Electronic Engineering

          Affiliated with Dept of Linguistics, Dept of Translation, & Center for East Asian Studies

1973– present: Founding Editor, Journal of Chinese Linguistics.
:  Chair Professor of Language Engineering, City University of Hong Kong.
:  Professor of Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley.


Awards and Honors:


2010: Honorary Professor, Peking University.

2010: Golden Language Award, International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching.

2006:  Resident Fellowship from International Institute of Advanced Studies, Kyoto.

2005: Ho, Dah-an and Ovid J.L. Tzeng eds. 2005. POLA FOREVER: Festschrift in Honor of Professor William S-Y.Wang on his 70th Birthday. Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.

2004: Shi, F. and Z.W. Shen eds. 2004. 樂在其中: 王士元教授 70華誕慶祝文集.

[The Joy of Research: a Festschrift in Honor of Professor William S-Y. Wang on His Seventieth Birthday.] Nankai University Press.

1999: Shi, F. and W.Y. Pan eds. 1999. 中國語言學的新拓展:慶祝王士元教授 65歲華誕. [New Developments in Chinese Linguistics: In Celebration of Professor Wang Shiyuan’s 65th Birthday] City University of Hong Kong Press

1994: Chen, M.Y. and O.J.L. Tzeng eds. 1994. In Honor of William S-Y.Wang: Interdisciplinary Studies on Language and Language Change. Taibei: Pyramid Press.

1992:  Elected to Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

1992:  Founding President, International Association of Chinese Linguistics.

1991:  Resident Fellowship from the Center for Advanced Studies, Bellagio, Italy.

1978:  Fellowship from the Guggenheim Foundation, New York.

1969 & ’83:   Fellowships from the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford.

Currently:  Adjunct Professor of: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Tsinghua University, and Yunnan University.


Teaching experience:


Summer Institutes organized by the Santa Fe Institute 2004, 2005, and 2006. 

Summer Institutes organized by the Linguistic Society of America 1964, 1973, 1977, and 1991.
1979 Guggenheim Professor, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.
1971 – 72 Senior Fulbright Scholar and National Professor of Sweden.
1965 Visiting Professor, Dept of Chinese and Dept of Anthropology, National Taiwan University

Supervised over thirty students who completed their PhDs at:

           Ohio State University   1962-1965

           University of California at Berkeley   1966-1995

           City University of Hong Kong   1996-2004

           Chinese University of Hong Kong   2004-present.

Publications (selected from over 200 publications):


王士元 (2010). 王士元语音学论文集, 世界图书出版公司.  650pp.

Wang, Feng, Yaching Tsai & W.S-Y. Wang. (2009). Chinese literacy. Cambridge Handbook on Literacy, ed. by D. Olson & N. Torrance, 386-417: Cambridge University Press.

Siok, Wai Ting, Paul Kay, William S. Y. Wang, Alice H. D. Chan, Lin Chen, Kang-Kwong Luke & Li Hai Tan. 2009. Language regions of brain are operative in color perception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106.8140-45.

鄧曉華, 王士元. (2009). 中國的語言及方言的分類北京:中華書局.

Wang, W.S-Y. 2008. 宏觀語音學. 中國語音學. 1.1-9.

Minett, J.W. and W.S-Y. Wang. (2008). Modeling endangered languages: the effects of bilingualism and social structure. Lingua 118.19-45.

Gong, T., Minett, J. W., & Wang, W. S-Y. (2008). Exploring social structure effect on language evolution based on a computational model. Connection Science 20.2-3.135-53.

Wang, W.S-Y. (2007). The language mosaic and its biological bases. Journal of Bio-Education 2.1.8-16

王士元, 彭剛. (2007). 語言, 語音與技術. 香港城市大學出版社. 289 pages.

王士元  (2006). 语言是一个复杂适应系统。(Language is a complex adaptive system) 清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版) (Tsinghua University Journal) 21, 5–14.

Wang, W. S-Y. and Minett, J. W. (2005). The invasion of language: emergence, change, and death. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 20.5:263–269.

Wang, W. S-Y. and Minett, J. W. (2005). Vertical and horizontal transmission in language evolution. Transactions of the Philological Society 103.2:121–146.

Wang, W. S-Y., Ke, J. and Minett, J. W. (2004). Computational studies of language evolution. In Computational Linguistics and Beyond,  Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, pp. 65–108.

Whitehouse, P., T. Usher, M. Ruhlen and W.S-Y. Wang. (2004). Kusunda: an Indo-Pacific language in Nepal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 101.5692–5.

Wang, W. S-Y. (1996). Linguistic diversity and language relationships. In Huang, J. C.-T. & Li, A. Y.-H., eds. New Horizons in Chinese Linguistics, Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer, pp. 334-385.

Wang W.S-Y.(1993).  Speech. In the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology.

Wang, W.S-Y. and C.F. Lien. 1993. Bidirectional diffusion in sound change. 345-400 in C. Jones ed. Historical Linguistics: Problems and Perspectives. Essex: Longman.

Wang, W.S-Y. 1989. Language in China: a chapter in the history of linguistics. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 17.2.183-222.

Wang, W.S-Y. 1987. Representing language relationships. In H. Hoenigswald and L. Wiener eds. Biological Metaphor and Cladistic Classification. 243-56.

Cavalli-Sforza, L.L. and W.S-Y. Wang. 1986. Spatial distance and lexical replacementLanguage 62.38-55.

Tzeng, O.J.L. and W.S-Y. Wang. 1984. Search for a common neuro-cognitive mechanism for language and movements. American Journal of Physiology 246.R904-R911.

Tzeng, Ovid J.L. and W.S-Y. Wang. 1983. The first two R’s. American Scientist 71.238-43.

Hardyck, C., O. Tzeng, and W.S-Y.Wang (1977). "Cerebral lateralization effects in visual half-field experiments."  Nature 269: 705-7.

Wang, W. S-Y. (1973). The Chinese language. Scientific American, February issue. Translated into Chinese, French, German & Italian.

Wang W.S-Y. (1972). The many uses of F0. Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics to the Memory of Pierre Delattre, A.Valdman, ed. Mouton, pp. 487-503.

Wang, W.S-Y. (1969). Competing change as a cause of residue. Language. 45: 695-708.

Wang, W.S-Y. (1967). Phonological features of tone. Int. J. Amer. Linguistics. 33.93-105. 

Wang W.S-Y. and Li K.P. (1967). Tone 3 in Pekinese. J Speech and Hearing Research. 10(3):629-36.

Wang, W.S-Y. 1965. Two aspect markers in Mandarin. Language 41.3.457-70.

Wang, W.S-Y. and C.J. Fillmore. 1961. Intrinsic cues and consonant perception. J Speech and Hearing Research 4.2.130-6

Wang, W.S-Y. 1959. Transition and release as perceptual cues for final plosives. J Speech and Hearing Research 2.1.66-73. Reprinted in I. Lehiste ed. Readings in Acoustic Phonetics. M.I.T. Press, 1967.

Wang, W.S-Y. and G.E. Peterson. 1958. Segment inventory for speech synthesis. J Acoustical Society of America 30.8.743-6.

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