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Advocates of video surveillance say it has contributed to a long-term decline
in other crimes in Britain. Car thieves, in particular, seem deterred by
the prevalence of cameras on lampposts. But Dr. Murakami Wood noted the incidence of
violent crime actually slightly last year.

Just as video surveillance dose not prevent many crimes, it also apparently has less of
an effort on ordinary human behavior than some critics feared it would
when Britain began installing the cameras in earnest after a pair of Irish Republican Army
bombings in 1993 and 1994.

"There was a debate about whether is would deter normal people from doing things
in public places," Dr. Murakami Wood said. "But it hasn't induced conformity,
like some predicted.

That is good news to people like him, who worry about the erosion of privacy
for the average subway rider, not to mention for couples fancying a late-night tryst
in the street outside a pub. But for those who see the social benefits in CCTV monitoring,
the notion that people are becoming inured to the camera's gaze is worrisome.

The authorities have recently begun equipping some cameras with loud-speakers,
which allow human monitors to admonish people caught littering or brawling in the street.
The theory is that "shouting cameras" are harder to ingone. But critics say
they cross the line from crime prevention into public bullying.

There are questions about who is doing the monitoring -- a problem both of skills
and manpower, given the reams of videotape that the police must review
in the aftermath of crimes.

Still, in the perennial tug of war between security and privacy, security appears
to be winning. The next wave in CCTV, experts say, is to marry traditional surveillance
with computer software to make cameras better at detecting suspicious behavior
that can be the precursor to a crime.

More advanced applications include cameras that can be programmed to search for
specific objects -- say, an unattended bag in a subway station -- or for people
with suspisious mannerisms. Cameras that recognize facial characterastic are also
being developed, though their affectiveness has been hampered by the unpredictable
lighting in outdoor spaces.

"Some people are looking very hard at suicide bombers," said Peter Fry, director of
the CCTV User Group, a trade association. "You can possibly pick up mannerisms,
facial tics and so on. If that works, it would be a tremendous help in cases like these."

The problem, of course, is that the profile of a would-be suicied bomber keeps changing,
which may account for why the most dramatic images from the attack in June came
only after an Iraqi doctor rammed a Jeep into an airport terminal in Glasgow
and set it ablaze.

(The End)

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In Britian, Not Much is Left Outside of the Camera's Eye

-By Mark Landler, August 20, 2007-

LONDON--With video cameras watching silently from so many London street corners,
it is likely that the police had at least some images of the men
who stuffed two Mercedes sedans full of gasoline, gas canisters, and nails,
and parked them in the West End nightlife district in late June.

But they did not distribute grainy pictures to the public,
as they have after other terrorist attacks, to help track down the suspects.
This time, security experts said, the terrorists left behind something even more easily traced:
cellphones that were meant to trigger the explosives and that contained a wealth of numbers
stored in their memories.

Perhaps that explains why this plot, which included the fiery yet unsuccessful attack on
Glasgow's international airport, has not set off another round of calls for increased
video surveillance in Britain.
Or maybe it just shows that after a decade of turning this society into a kind of
round-the-clock, communal home movie, little is left outside the camera's eye.

Video surveillance is widely accepted in Britain, viewed as a fact of life
rather than an Orwellian intrusion.(*1)
There are an estimated 4.2 million closed-circuit TV cameras here as part of
the city's so-called Ring of Steel.(*2)
In London, a person can be caught on tape hundreds of times a day.
 (*1)所謂的Orwellian intrusion,字面上為歐威爾式入侵,來自於英國作家喬治.歐威爾在1949年所出版的
  達成某個政治目的。2006年上映的德國電影《竊聽風暴》(Das Leben der Anderen)所描述的故事與
 (*2)Ring of Steel 則是40年代一部很有名的美國電影,當時是以一個一次大戰老兵的回憶,來吸引年輕人投

In a reminder of its crime-solving value, CCTV(*3) video figured in the recent trial of six men
accused of plotting to bomb the London subway in July 2005.
The court was shown images of a suspect boarding a train, turning his back to a mother and child
and trying to detonate a bomb.
 (*3)CCTV= Closed-circuit television, a television system often used for surveillance,

Yet the wholly unexpected nature fo this latest plot--coming as it did from a circle of doctors
from the Middle East and India--reflects something else about video surveillance:
it is better at unraveling crimes than dettering criminals,
particularly Islamist terrorists bent on bringing a holy war to Britain's streets.

"The idea of CCTV as a deterrent for something like this is no longer accepted,"
said David Murakami Wood, an expert in video surveillance at Newcastle University,
who helped write a report on the spread of CCTV for Britain's information commission.
"if you don't think you're coming back, you're not going to mind if you're caught on a camera.


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Don't ask me for the ariginal article.







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※Integrated Writing

 Both of the reading passage and the listening lecture are talking about the importance of language, especially to immigrants. Language is a main communicational way for international people. Moreover, there are many elder Chinese in America are pushed to learn English, and these courses for elder learners can get more in touch with American culture, such as talking with native speakers, watching television, and those make the elder learners feel happy.

 However, the lecturer gives her parents for example to argue the reading report. Language can play a lot to elder Chinese, but not all of them are willing to learn a foreign language. The two features that make people hold themselves from learning other language are not having to work and being insistent in Chinese. Her parents, although staying in a melting pot, America, still are limited in the Chinatown and some Chinese-using places. The lecturer takes a bad model to show the other situations. Actually, there are still many elder Chinese do not plan to learn English. By this reason, they do not easy to realize the culture of the places where they are. The lecturer also encourages her students not to give up learning English. Language is the best key for communication.

※Independent Writing

 The twenty-first century was predicted to be various kinds of world in the past time, not only a better one, but also a worse one. In fact, people have different opinions about the century they have already lived. For me, I think there are both advantages and disadvantages taken with the improvement of science and technology. For example, communication becomes easier than before by transportation, but they also cause pollution. People use modern machines and sometimes get bad side effects.

 Transportation is getting faster and easier. People traveled from one city to another wasting a lot of time by traditional means, such as on foot, by bicycle, and even cars are considered a slow way. Nowadays, we can take trains without wheels, airplanes, or other kinds of mass rapid transportations. For instance, it just needs two and half hours for me to leave from Taipei to Kaohsiung that used to take more than five hours. However, the pollutions taken from technology are increasing. Air pollution from cars and trains damages people's health. The oil of ships destroys the ocean livings. Even other way of communication, the internet, makes us live with more and more pollutants.

 Not only the good things that we can find in twenty-one century, but also bad ones. People have more convenient daily lives, but keep each other less concerned. People are not as careful about others as before.

 The twenty-first century is just like the prediction that former people said. If people now do not pay attention to the bad changes hiding in the back of the advantages, the world will become worse and worse. People enjoy the efficiency today need to protect the environment and take more care of others, too.


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[35] Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Attending a live performance (for example, a play, concert, or sporting event) is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. Use specific reasons and example to support your opinion.

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You are planning to study abroad. What do you think you will like and dislike about this experience? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

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Many people believe that it is very important to make large amount of money, while others are satisfied to earn a comfortable living. Analyze each viewpoint and take a stand. Give specific reasons for your position.

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Practice in class

Reading: Wrining style in gender

Listening: Application


 The lecture mentions the difference of gender about writing styles, and this difference is obvious based on some researches.

 By comparing characteristics of males and females, people realize which gender will get more success when apply a fond for scientific researches. A female writer use more “involving” style, more relationships and linkages in papers, and focus on who will do or who is doing the work. However, a male writer gives more information to support his idea, and focus on what will be done. Another pattern that can be find from different writing pattern is that, the females use more fictional ways, such as a lot of pronouns. By contrast, the male’s writings are more non-fictional.

 To sum up, these contrast patterns of writing styles can affect the committees about the choice. When needing a grant, professors don’t have patience to read all of the proposals, because the contents are similar to others. The male’s writing style will be more efficient to get success and close the goal, and that means, the committees would accept reports written by males.


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[4] It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?



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結論:Damn it!


What a hell!


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[152] Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animal, or clean water. Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

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Hmmm...maybe i should get Richard's, too.


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[170] Groups or organizations are an important part of some people's lives. Why are groups or organizations important to people? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.

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Topic:Cause to Studying with Jobs of the Attending Teachers in Junior High Schools in Taipei County



  Adult-returning education becomes a trend of education, however, although there are lots of researches of learning motions and effects in papers, which focus on the attending. Moreover, the needs of studying of on-the-job teachers (the attending) are different from their task in school. In consequence, my report is to take a sight from adult-back education to the studying causes affecting attending-teachers in Taipei County. The 360 samples are gathered, including 297 of those in 16 junior-high-schools, and others discussing later.

  This report is to finding out the difference between common teacher and attending teachers’ studying motions, and to draw some directions for those attending teachers to improve profession levels, and then, to provide some references to authorities.

Keywords: Attending (teachers), study with job, cause of learning


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Title: the research of voyage articles of Taiwan literature—analysis the articles of the third anniversary China airline prize of voyage essay, “On the Atlas of Dream.”

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If you could live any where in the world, where would you go? Use reasons, and details to support your response.

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170 Groups or organizations are an important part of some people's lives. Why are groups or organizations important to people? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.

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1. Look words up we don't familier with, and make a organized writing.

[G]: To identify difference part of paragraphs.


2. Review MOZAIC P210.

3. MOZAIC CH4, preview!

4. Write down exercise "Type 1" #4~5.

(Speaking handout 3)

5. Choose 5 Indepedent and 5 pair & chice Qs, writing down the topic sentences, Emailing to Ben.

6. Complete whole passages of "Speaking task 2."

(Speaking handout 3)

7. Do "Paraprasing Exercise 1-2" (4+10+10=24Qs in total)

(Speaking handout 3)


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